Your ticket to holiday cheer

December 7, 2023
Corporate News | Scratch-off Ticket
This season’s winter scratch-off tickets come with prizes of up to 75,000 euros.

Scratch-off tickets in a winter- and Christmas-themed outfit are a seasonal tradition and enjoy great popularity year after year, not least because adults often buy them as a present for other adults.

Christmas all year round
5,000 euros a month... for a whole year: this amazing present awaits two lucky winners who take a chance on our “1 Jahr Weihnachten” (“1 year of Christmas”) scratch-off tickets. There is also a bonus game with a second chance to win. The scratch-off tickets sell for 3 euros each.

Christmas Cash
The “Christmas Cash” scratch-off ticket offers a particularly elegant way to celebrate the pre-Christmas season. It’s not just the classy outfit, there’s also a chance to win up to 75,000 euros, and that’s nothing to sneeze at. You can even win up to three times per ticket in this case. These tickets sell for 5 euros each.

Winter Cash
A heart-warming 30,000 euros awaits as the main prize in this cool scratch-off ticket, and there’s a bonus game that offers a second chance to win. Each ticket costs 3 euros.

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