We take responsibility, and we support a topic that is significant, relevant and important for many people in Austria.
Playsponsible combines all of Austrian Lotteries’ fields of action that stand for gaming, sports betting and social responsibility.
Player protection, Corporate Social Responsibility, sponsoring, correct game processing, the fight against corruption and money laundering, high data protection compliance, and the highest security standards for all players: these requirements are simply indispensable and absolutely a given for us as a licensed gaming company and sports betting provider, no matter which of our offers you may choose. All our protective measures are coordinated and adapted to the respective form of play and the venue in question.

We pay utmost attention to the issue of Responsible Gaming, and our requirements go well beyond what is required by law. Given clear rules and preventive measures, problematic gaming behaviour can often be prevented from the very outset.
There is hardly any other sector in the economy where socially responsible behaviour is as centrally important as it is in gaming. You can find out more about our CSR strategy and our CSR management system here.
With at least 80 million euros a year, we’re the most important financier of sports in Austria, having contributed over 1.8 billion euros to the sports sector since 1986. Popular sports in particular have benefited from this solidarity-based model.
For us, it is a matter of course to be active in Austria for Austria and to offer sustainable support for institutions and projects that benefit the people. We select the projects we support based on a number of criteria, including, above all, the pursuit of long-term socio-political goals, the integration of the project into the overall sponsorship policy, and a high level of contribution to the common good.
We maintain the highest standards for player protection, information security and data privacy, which is why we continuously allow ourselves to be audited and recertified based on international standards.
We don’t give corruption a chance. Acting responsibly and with integrity is our highest maxim, and the Code of Conduct is Austrian Lotteries’ central behavioural guideline. All the basic principles and rules of conduct that we impose on ourselves with this voluntary commitment apply to our employees in their daily dealings with each other as well as to our business partners.
Compliance with legal and internal regulations is our top priority. You can provide us with information about any potential violations at any time – anonymously, of course.
Österreichische Lotterien GmbH
Rennweg 44
1038 Wien