Lotto Bonus Draw on April 12
Cesár Sampson will return to present this additional draw with an extra 300,000 euros
He competed for Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest and finished third for Austria in Lisbon in 2018, and he performed on ORF’s Dancing Stars show and came second in 2020. He hosted a Lotto Bonus Draw in 2021, presiding over a five-fold jackpot.
And now he will return to the Lotto Studio: none other than singer and musician Cesár Sampson.
This Friday, April 12, the Linz native will be in charge of the Lotto and Joker balls again as he presents his second Bonus Draw. As usual, a bonus prize of 300,000 euros will also be at stake and will be raffled off among all lottery picks participating in the Bonus Draw. As usual, this Bonus Draw is integrated into the draw rhythm as a complete game round. Any potential jackpots are also included in the round.
The deadline for the Bonus Draw is Friday, April 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm, and the draw itself can be seen live on ORF 2 at 6:47 pm.
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