First 2024 Lotto bonus draw coming up this Friday
On Friday, January 12, the first Lotto bonus draw of the year will once again yield an extra 300,000 euros.
The Lotto “6 out of 45” bonus draws with an extra chance to win 300,000 euros will continue this year as well. Evelyn Vysher, who can already look back on many years of being a “lucky charm”, will kick things off on January 12. Last September, she celebrated her 20th anniversary as presenter of the Lotto draw.
After the draw, the 300,000-euro bonus will be raffled off among all participating Lotto picks in this round. The Friday draws are integrated into the existing Lotto draw rhythm, as are the LottoPlus and Joker draws. Any potential jackpots are also included in the round.
The deadline for the Bonus Draw is Friday, January 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm, and the draw with Evelyn Vysher can be seen live on ORF 2 at 6:47 pm.
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