July 18, 2024
Corporate News | Sponsoring
As a premium partner, Austrian Lotteries wishes the athletes of the Olympic Austria Team the best of luck for the 33rd Olympic Games.

When the Olympic Games begin in Paris on Friday, July 26, Austrian Lotteries will be symbolically keeping its fingers crossed as a Premium Partner of the Austrian Olympic Committee. Because, as Lotteries Director General Erwin van Lambaart puts it: “Austrian Lotteries identifies with the universal values of the Olympic Movement: peace, friendship, fair play, international solidarity, equal opportunities and clean sports – these are all values that we stand for at all times. We’re proud of this partnership, it’s a win-win situation because both sides benefit from it.”
Austrian Lotteries wishes all 81 athletes representing Austria in Paris all the best, great success and whatever bit of luck may be needed in the competition for the medals.
“Sports and exercise are important for our health and well-being, and thus for our personal happiness. Successful athletes are good role models and encourage children and young people to emulate them,” says van Lambaart. 

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