A 100,000 euro break-open ticket for you

January 24, 2024
Corporate News | Brieflos

What’s so special about our break-open tickets? You only need to go to your local retail outlet for a chance to leave with a six-figure prize. In “Brieflos Für Dich” (“Break-Open Ticket for You”), anyone aged 18 or over has a chance to win a main prize of 100,000 euros and many other prizes of between one and 10,000 euros, as well as the BONUS WHEEL. All for a ticket price of just 1 euro. 

The break-open ticket family consists of the break-open ticket itself (1 euro), the “10 fette Jahre” (“10 great years”) break-open ticket (2 euros), the Super break-open ticket (2 euros) and the Mega break-open ticket (3 euros). If it says “BONUSRAD” (“BONUS WHEEL”) on the prize section of your break-open ticket, you also have a chance to win an instant prize at any ticket office in Austria. You can see the virtual BONUS WHEEL directly on the customer screen and see live which of the winning fields it stops on. The main BONUS WHEEL prize is 10 euros for the break-open ticket, 30 euros for the Super break-open ticket, and 100 euros for the Mega break-open ticket

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