7,000 euros bonus cash per month

January 15, 2025
Corporate News | Scratch-off Ticket
Austrian Lotteries’ new scratch-off ticket offers a monthly instalment payment for three years as the main prize

The twelve games on the new “Bonus Cash” scratch-off ticket are reminiscent of the twelve months of a calendar. There’s a good reason for this, since the main prize is a monthly instalment payment of 7,000 euros net for three years. With a bit of luck, you can use this prize to significantly increase your income for 36 months.

The scratch-off layer of the twelve games conceals certain amounts. If three of these amounts match in one game, you win this amount once. If you scratch off the banknote symbol three times in one game, you win the top prize. You can win up to five times per ticket.

The “Bonus Cash” scratch-off ticket was produced with a circulation of one million tickets and is available for ten euros per ticket at the usual retail outlets. The payout rate is 62.0 %. The chance of winning is 1:2.28.

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