49 times “six correct picks”... but 73 winners

January 7, 2025
Corporate News | Lotto 6 out of 45
The “6 out of 45” lottery in 2024 – a numbers game

A lottery jackpot consisting of six correctly picked numbers is still the epitome of a lottery win. And for 38 years, “6 out of 45” has been the Austrian Lotteries’ most important game. We’d like to take this opportunity to take a look at the 45 numbers and the successful attempts to find the “six correct numbers” from different perspectives.

The question regarding the number of times six correct picks were achieved in the lottery in 2024 is not an easy one to answer. Was it 49... or 73? This is a matter of perspective, as both answers could be deemed to be correct. In 2024, six correct picks were submitted 48 times, using a normal ticket, system ticket or Quick Pick – meaning they were submitted “the normal way”. The 49th win was achieved by share ticket and would show up in a summary as a single win (with a prize of around 4.5 million euros), but because it was a share ticket, 25 players were involved in this win, with individual prizes ranging from €108,000 to €540,000, depending on the number of shares the individual players held. This means that this one winner actually corresponds to 25 winners, and depending on how you look at it, there were either 49 or 73 winners with six correct picks.

Six correct picks worth over 10 million euros in Styria and Carinthia

Of the 49 winners, 37 received prizes of a million euros or more. The top prizes of the year were won in Styria and Carinthia. A man from Styria won around 11.2 million euros in September using a Quick Pick, making it the highest lottery win of the year. In October, a man from Carinthia won around 10.9 million euros using a Quick Pick. Both were solo winners with six correct picks after seven-fold jackpots.

Fully completed lottery tickets were most popular

When it comes to betting tickets, three of the 49 top wins were achieved using a system ticket, 21 using a normal ticket and 25 using a Quick Pick. The top-performing winning ticket was the “fully completed normal ticket”, i.e. a lottery ticket with twelve handwritten picks; these accounted for five of the top winners. Putting aside the three system tickets, an average of 7.7 picks were played per winning ticket with six correct picks.

Ten districts with a double whammy

In 2024, there was no one luckiest district in Austria, because not a single district scored six correct picks more than twice. On the other hand, there were ten districts in six federal states in which the six correct numbers were picked twice (from west to east): Bregenz, Innsbruck-Land, Liezen, Klagenfurt-Land, Klagenfurt-Stadt, Deutschlandsberg, Krems-Stadt, Vienna-Hietzing, Mistelbach and Gänserndorf.

Single-digit numbers came out on top, and 38 went missing from September onward

The most frequently drawn Lotto numbers in 2024 were 3, which was drawn 25 times over the course of 115 rounds, followed by 7 and 14, which were drawn 21 times each. As in the previous year, single-digit numbers were seen most frequently among the six correct picks: each single-digit number was drawn an average of 17.2 times.

Bringing up the rear were the numbers in the 30s, with an average draw frequency of a mere 13.6. The 24 was drawn least frequently, emerging from the hopper only nine times. And the 38 must have done something to annoy Lady Luck at the beginning of September, as it was last drawn on September 1 – 38 rounds ago.

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